Working With Us


The steps below outline how a typical coaching engagement would proceed.

We’ll use the first session to get to know each other a little. We’ll explore the areas you want to work on and see if we feel we could be a good fit for each other. If you don't think we'd work well together then no problem, we’ll part company and wish you the very best.

The session will conclude with us talking about your boundaries, how hard you would like to be challenged and what is off the table for discussion. We’ll talk about our professional and ethical boundaries too.

After our first session you are free to book any time you like or book a series of sessions.

If you are self funding then once we've agreed we'd like to work together you are free to book whenever you like. We don't require the purchase of a block of session but if you'd prefer to do so, our accountants will love you for it. If not, just book whenever you feel the need.

If you are purchasing coaching for others in your organisation we can agree payment and booking terms separately. Please mail us at

Pay Now

If you are booking sessions on an ad-hoc basis, you pay when you book. After booking a time slot you'll be redirected to a payment page

Pay Later

If you are booking for someone else or you require a block of sessions we'll make separate arrangements. Please mail us at

This is where the work starts! Each session is likely to be unique and entirely guided by what you need to achive.

Working with a coach is typically a process of you finding your own answers from within. During a typical coaching session you will be prompted, proded, cajouled, challenged and nudged. The role of the coach is to facilitate your thinking.

We recommend you keep some time clear before a session to calm your mind and focus on what you want to acheive and also some time after to reflect and make notes and actions.


We would generally follow these steps to agree, create and deliver a workshop.

We’ll start by exploring your need. We’ll discuss the problems you want to solve and the outcomes you want to achieve. We may present some initial ideas for workshop structures to get feedback from you and better understand what you want.

We present the structure of the workshop and some  exercises we propose to use in each section. We’ll typically agree the final approach in the first part of this meeting and then move on to agree terms. We use an agreement in lieu of a proposal document as we believe interactive communication works better for these things.

If we haven’t already worked together we’ll send you a Master Service Agreement along with a schedule to detail the specific workshop(s) we have agreed.

When you are happy with our approach we will design your bespoke workshop and create all materials necessary. We usually budget two days design for each day’s delivery, so a one day workshop will typically require two days of design work.

We’ll have already agreed whether we’ll come to your premises, hire a venue or deliver online. However the workshop is to be delivered you can sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.

We always schedule a review session after each workshop to gather feedback and check that we have met your needs.

If you feel we haven't hit the bull's eye we'll work out a remediation plan.