About Us
We operate at the intersection of human-centric issues and organisational growth challenges, helping companies thrive by addressing leadership burnout, conflict, lack of alignment, and team development. We also offer critical thinking partnerships to business leaders.
We do this because we believe that working in an environment with clarity, harmony, and alignment leads to not only happier humans but also improved business outcomes.
Interpersonal Coaching
We work with leaders who are experiencing challenges with unresponsive teams, difficult coleagues, departmental conflict, leadership style, colleague relationship breakdown and low staff engagement among other issues.
We are client led, non judgemental and non directive meaning we bring no adgenda, no prebuilt models and no expensive coaching programs. You work with us on your terms.
Read more...Bespoke Workshops
We create workshops that focus on relationships. We've helped organisations with inter/intra team communication, creating a feedback culture and improving client relationships by embracing difficult conversations.
Every workshop is built from scratch in order to meet your goals. We aim to provide highly interactive, thought provoking experiences that focus on shifting behaviour.